Thursday, December 25, 2008

No Virginia,

I don't mind getting older. A friend and I were talking the other day at work and she just had a difficult time believing that age didn't bother me. I put it to her this way, my maternal was 29 when she died of breast cancer and left two young children and a husband behind and my mom was 45 when she died and left myself, who was 15 at the time and my younger brother, Mat, who was 13, and Jay, was an adult but still in college. I an 43 now and I have young children and every day I wake up and am healthy I consider a gift. So, nope, age not a scary thing for me.

And tomorrow is Mammogram Day which makes me feel like Wonder Woman. I am not waiting for the other shoe to drop, just staying vigilant and ready to kick the ass of anything that threatens my days with my boys.

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