Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Highlight of Harriosn's field trip

they went to Tanner's Orchard and on the bus trip there Harrison
plucked a stray gray hair of mine off my sleeve. He thought it was so
cool that he showed it to a friend of his who also thought it was
cool. So cool that they bickered over who got to play with it.
Finally he gave it to the friend who broke it half so they both could
have a piece. Sigh....

Friday, September 26, 2008

Moment of Zen

Life is full of boring little moments, nothing earth-shattering just moments. Household chores have to be done, bills paid, lunches packed, notes written, stuff. But one of the things I actually love to do is laundry. Clean laundry makes me happy. Just happy. I love the folding and the scents and the warmth and the order. I always have. When I was kid I use to love doing my dolls' laundry, pulling them off the line when dry(nothing better in the world then clothes dried in the sun) and watching "Marry Hartman, Mary Hartman" with my Mom as I folded my dolls' clothes and she folded ours. It just left me content and to this day it just is my time to be domestic and go inside my head and let my troubles float away for a time.